Wondering what to do next?
If you’ve backed your car into your garage door, it can be a frustrating experience It can also potentially cause a lot of damage. In some cases, you may require Arlington garage door repair in order to get your garage door back to normal again.
If you’ve found yourself in this situation, don’t worry. Below we’ll tell you everything you need to know about what to do after backing into your garage door.
1. Evaluate the Damage
First of all, you’ll want to evaluate the damage that has been done by backing into your garage door. You won’t need a professional repair in every case. However, the damage done can vary greatly so it’s important to find out what you’re dealing with.
It’s always important to stay safe when dealing with a garage door. Don’t touch any parts that are in the lifting system, as all of the components are under a lot of tension and can be very dangerous.
Once you’re ready, check if the lifting cables are still aligned. You should also check to see if the rollers are still attached properly and perfectly in their tracks. You should also find out whether the garage door track has been bent.
If it all seems to be pretty much intact, then you may be in good shape and you can then get your car out and away from the door.
2. Test Your Garage Door
Once there is some distance between your garage door and your vehicle, you can do a bit of further testing. Make sure that you’re also standing a good distance away from the garage door as well.
Then, press the button on your garage door remote to see how the garage door operates. There may be loud crunching noises and noticeable problems in the door’s operation.
Be ready and if anything seems wrong then immediately stop the motion by unplugging the garage door opener. Then, make sure to not touch anything else until you get a professional involved.
3. Find Out About Your Insurance Options
If you discover that your garage door will need a repair you should think about what options you have for getting a repair or replacement with your homeowner’s insurance.
If there is some serious damage to the door you need to contact your insurance company and let them know and see what they can offer to help with repairs. You’ll want to consider your insurance deductibles first.
In many cases, it may not be worth it to get the insurance company involved if you’ll have to pay too much out of pocket anyway.
If your car has been damaged, you’ll also need to contact your auto insurance provider as well and see what options there are for getting a repair with your plan.
4. Compare Repair Costs and Solutions
Finally, if you discover that you need garage door repair you’ll need to look for a great repair company. You’ll want to compare your best options and find out what needs to be done and what your costs will be.
Costs can vary a good bit depending on how extensive the damage is to your garage door. Keep in mind that depending on the age of the door and its components, it may cost more since replacement parts won’t be easily found.
Labor is one of the biggest costs when it comes to repairing a garage door. If you need the entire system fixed it may take up to three hours in labor so keep this in mind.
Choosing the Best Arlington Garage Door Repair
While it can be a frustrating experience to back into your garage door, the damage can be repaired. Accidents happen when you own a home, and repairs are necessary from time to time.
If you’re experiencing garage door damage, make sure to follow the steps above and you’ll find that you’re able to deal with the situation better than you may have believed.
If you’re looking for Arlington garage door repair, Alamo Doors & Gates can help. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you.